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Rating Service

Make your choice with ease

Welkit is committed to supporting you

From the beginning, our goal has been to help you fulfill your missions to the best of your ability. Today, Welkit is committed to providing you with a benchmark to help you make the best professional choice. The display of the PRO-SCORE aims to give you the opportunity to compare the degree of use of several PRO Solutions within the same family (for example, the family of holster products).

How does it work?

Nothing could be simpler: a grade ranging from A to E is presented on the evaluated products, each grade represents a recommended degree of use.

    A: intensive use
    The A products are very robust and will be perfect for intensive use.

    B: regular use
    The B products are suitable for "classic" daily professional use.

    C: moderate use
    Suitable for professional use, the C products are appropriate for moderate use.

    D: occasional use
    The D grade characterizes a professional-quality product that is suitable for occasional missions, the D products will not be suitable for prolonged use.

    E: use outside of missions
    These are articles to be used during your leave, rest time, or during your leisure activities. They are not suitable for use on missions.

      This evaluation is made over the entire life cycle of the product: that is, from the moment the product is designed until its end of life.

      And concretely?

      For a departure on OPEX, for example, it would be better to choose a pair of AKU shoes intended for intensive use rather than a pair of Mil-Tec shoes which will be more suitable for moderate professional use.